Installation guide
This topic provides
guiding over typical installation tasks for products of Spatial Aspect project.
Main purpose for this guide is help users to begin using these products as fast
as possible. The guide covered installation of all products, but users can
limit it to any desired extent. Currently all programs of Spatial Aspect
project can be installed only on any Windows OS.
Recommended order of tasks and installations is follows:
- Download and install Spatial Aspect Explorer. Its installation has very common
look as Installation Wizard dialog, including License Agreement page and
Installation Directory page. Author recommends keeping the Installation
Directory path with its default value, which is related to system Program
Files folder for x86 machine.
- Optionally download Spatial Aspect Viewer, if you need to use additional
features for working with raster maps, the program provides. Also the
program is useable for inspecting entire raster maps or their particular
raster files. Its installation is exactly same as for Spatial Aspect
- Download and install Spatial Aspect Map Locator. Its installation is exactly
same as for Spatial Aspect Explorer. The installation also will create a
new empty folder “C:\Spatial Aspect”, which will be used for placing
shortcuts for installed maps. Do not delete it! Sections 8, 9, 10 and 11
can follow after this section, if you sure.
- Read User Manual for Spatial Aspect Map Locator, which placed inside of its
installation folder, and has a shortcut in Start Menu entry for the
program. The User Manual has a detailed installation guide over
installation tasks of the program. Remainder of this guide will reference
to such tasks in overall.
- Identify which particular data collection you need by looking in catalog of
top-level maps, or looking in catalog of existed data collections.
Also you can look for gallery of particular examples of rendered maps,
for identify data collections you interesting. If you want have all data
collection on your computer, you should preserve about 27 GB of free space
on it. Also you should preserve about same space for keeping packed
archives of such collection, but they can be on detachable medias, such as
memory sticks, DVD or network folders.
- Read recommendations
about organizing archives of downloadable data on your computer and
prepare empty folders for them on your computers or detachable medias.
- Download particular archives of data collections, you interesting, into respective
folders, referenced in previous section. Author recommends download
archives of vector data before archives of raster data, and small archives
before big. It shorts way for beginning exploration of maps.
- Create an empty folder for data repository on a hard disk, having the desired
free space for all data collections. Typical name for it can be “SA Map
Repository”. Avoid placing the folder inside of scope of User Account
Control (UAC), which exists for system Program Files folder, for example!
- Launch Spatial Aspect Map Locator and open Install Maps window.
- Select path to the data repository folder from section 8 in the window. The
program will provide prompt for it. After the selection the folder will be
- Install a default scheme for the empty repository folder. The program will provide
prompt for it. The default scheme is archive file
“”, which placed in installation folder of the
program. The repository folder will be populated with non-installed
project files for all maps, and with number of default related folders and
narration descriptors. Sections 8, 9, 10 and this 11 can be followed after
section 3, just after launching the program on finish of its installation.
- Install all vector data layers for particular planet of interest from respective
downloaded archive.
- Install a particular raster map for selected planet of interest from respective
downloaded archive. The program will check integrity the map and will add
shortcut to it with prompting. You can begin exploration the map just
after it, by simple double-click on its icon appeared in Launch Maps
window of the program. But Spatial Aspect Viewer should be installed for
- Install a particular top-level map, which uses the particular raster map installed
in previous section, by simple selection its non-installed project file
entry. The program will check integrity the map and will add shortcut to
it with prompting. You can begin exploration the map just after it, by
simple double-click on its icon appeared in Launch Maps window of the
program. But Spatial Aspect Explorer should be installed for it.
- Repeat steps from sections 12, 13, 14 for all desired planets, raster maps and
top-level maps.
Each downloadable
file of Spatial Aspect project has a respective MD5 value, which published on
respective pages of this site. You can use the value for check the file before
installation against errors on file transmission or against of tampering it, if
you obtained the file by a third party way. Each executable file has its
MD5 value too, which you can check after installation of respective program,
considering its version in accordance. There are third party programs for such
MD5 checking.
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